The Building Of The Torch

I didn't realize that the Olympic Torch was designed by engineers to specifically endure the harsh weather that we have in Canada. The Torch was designed and built by Bombardier, the well-known plane and train manufacturer. The Torch was designed by over 50 engineers who began working on this honourable project in November 2007. It has a dual burning system which uses propane and isobutene which burns brighter in colder temperatures. It will withstand wind gusts up to 60 km/hour and will also withstand snowy and rainy conditions. Over 12,000 torches are being built in Canada, one for each torchbearer. I find that the torch is very streamlined and classy looking. Recyclable materials were used to make the torches and the cylinders inside the torches will be recycled after their use as well as any leftover fuel. I am proud to be Canadian!


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